"Angels move from place to place by virtue of [faith]—it is by reason of it that they are enabled to descend from heaven to earth; and were it not for the power of faith they never could be ministering spirits to them who should be heirs of salvation, neither could they act as heavenly messengers; for they would be destitute of the power necessary to enable them to do the will of God." (Lectures on Faith, Lecture 7)

We all work by faith every day, whether we realize it or not. By faith we learn and labor and by so doing expect [or have an expectation, or have faith] to be able to provide a service someone else finds valuable. If we had no expectation of some sort of gain, whether monetary or spiritual, we would never learn something new.

When our faith is invested in a lie, we lose our personal power. We have a limited amount of strength each day. For instance, when we believe in Santa Clause, and then see the cracks of a system that just doesn't add-up it is our faith returns to us.

When we believe a lie, our faith, our life force, our energy is sapped by the liar. We labor for that which isn't real.

There are men, who not only use the power of their faith, but by lying, they tap the life force of all who believe the lie and can create a mighty empire.

On the one hand, you have a city of Enoch where all are equal, faith was invested in what was real, in honoring God and by extension, their fellow man. And on the other hand you have a city founded by Cain which was founded upon secret works of darkness which sapped the strength of not only "his" own people, but all who they he decided conquer and plunder. And as all masters of the great secret given to Cain, they find they can murder and get gain.

It does not please God for man to be in bondage to anyone, and those who become His servants come for the purpose of their salvation, and for that to happen a light must be shown on false traditions which chain men in darkness, which are the very "fetters of hell." They come to break down bondage.

The problem is not the power of our faith, which the creator invests us with, the problem is we believe so many untruths, or we have so much "unbelief".

The law given through Noah, when he was the new father of the race was that every man should preserve the life of his brother.1 The law later given through Moses saying "Thou shalt not bear false witness," or "Thou shalt not steal," was just an elaboration, or clarifying restoration of what was given to Noah to preserve the life of man.



1. "For a commandment I give, that every man's brother shall preserve the life of man, for in mine own image have I made man." (Genesis 9:13, IV)