I was hacked on the evening of Friday October 25, 2013 by the prince of demons who was trying to pass off his scripture on my Facebook page. Unfortunately, I lost some friends that day, but I supposed that was part Beelzebub's intent all along. He was very pleased to joy when he found how much support his teachings had received by Mormons and other Christian folk. He could not contain his exuberance at their response to the latest news of a police officer shooting a boy wielding a toy gun.


Do unto men whatsoever ye would before they do it unto you. For your safety is of the utmost importance to me.

There is no harm to kill a little here and kill a little there, God will justify such at the last day.

It is far better to slaughter he whom ye think might be your enemy rather than bury your weapons in the earth and be killed yourself.

Worship God and know he is just. And if ye shall murder many of his children and work for them in the temple, they shall come unto righteousness much sooner, and blessed are ye for the work ye have performed and you shall receive a crown of righteousness.

Give your children to strangers, let them be taught my truth by them and be happy, for great is your reward in heaven. I have seen thy craftiness and thy lunches and thy shopping trips and these rise like sweet incense unto your Lord of the Sabaoth.

Trust in man above all, for whatsoever a man appear to be, so is he. The captain of fifty, the governor, the man of uniform. These are clothed with righteousness. Do whatsoever they shall command thee, and let not even thy cookie be withheld -- rather let it be destroyed and ye shall look up with gladness, freedom and much spare time.

Seek not to speak in tongues, prophesy, see angels, behold in a stone, or know mysteries, for behold, can you not tell these are evil, and all such who seek them, know me not? Rather let sweet stories suffice for they are not so strange.

I hereby give unto you a key, that ye may know truth and not be deceived. Is thy truth supported by many? Does the heathen have but few? Behold, I shall answer, thee: Truth may be known by the count of them which shall support it. If the count of them shall be greater toward that which ye disagree, ye shall suffer it to be, for all truth may by known by this means.

Ponder these things until they shall gladden thy heart and confirm all thy desires.

- Beelzebub