Even Satan has organized his associations and calls them his “priesthoods” because they are in fellowship with him. Whenever a priesthood results in condemning and not raising others up to salvation they might be regarded as one of Satan’s priesthoods, because the association does not and cannot save souls. (Denver Snuffer, 40 Years in Mormonism, Lecture 5, Priesthood)


I'm reading from page 322 of The Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith:

"Respecting the Melchizedek Priesthood, the sectarians never professed to have it; consequently they never could save any one, and would all be damned together. There was an Episcopal priest who said he had the priesthood of Aaron, but had not the priesthood of Melchizedek: and I bear testimony that I never have found the man who claimed the Priesthood of Melchizedek. The power of the Melchizedek Priesthood is to have the power of ‘endless lives;’ for the everlasting covenant cannot be broken." [You see Joseph here is referring to that covenant given only when you obtain that priesthood by the Father, who swears by Himself about the results of having attained unto that priesthood. So it holds that power of endless lives, the everlasting covenant made by the Father cannot be broken.]

Continuing: “The law was given under Aaron for the purpose of pouring out judgments and destructions.” [So the Mosaic law was given and the priesthood was accommodated in order to pour out judgments and destruction. This helps explain a great deal about the lower portion, or Aaronic/Levitical priesthood.]

If you go to Doctrine and Covenants section 1 there is this interesting set of verses beginning with verse eight: "And verily I say unto you, that they who go forth, bearing these tidings unto the inhabitants of the earth, to them is power given to seal both on earth and in heaven, the unbelieving and rebellious; Yea, verily, to seal them up unto the day when the wrath of God shall be poured out upon the wicked without measure—Unto the day when the Lord shall come to recompense unto every man according to his work, and measure to every man according to the measure which he has measured to his fellow man." [These are all negative. These are all sealing up unto destruction. These are all condemnations. These are all in a word, Aaronic. But remember the Aaronic priesthood is not without hope, because within it is the power to baptize, which is an ordinance of hope. But primarily the purpose of the Aaronic priesthood is to condemn. When you think of condemning, therefore, you should think of Aaronic authority.] (Denver Snuffer, 40 Years in Mormonism, Lecture 5, Priesthood)


[In a word, those who receive and entertain angels have an obligation then, to declare the words so that others might likewise have faith in Him. That word having been declared unto you, gives you the hope, the faith and confidence, that you likewise can do so. This is so that the covenants made by the Father will be brought to pass. Fortunately, Aaronic priesthood is exceptionally durable. Fortunately, unlike Melchizedek priesthood (which can only be exercised with extraordinary care and delicacy), Aaronic priesthood endures weaknesses and abuse. The purpose of Melchizedek priesthood, as I talked about in Orem, is to bless. The purpose of Aaronic priesthood is to condemn and to judge, and to set a law by which men can condemn themselves. Having the authority to do that to yourself is remarkably durable, and unfortunately used with great regularity to do just that. Those that have it generally abide by so lesser a law, that they wind up judging and condemning one another, and parading before God as a march of fools, yelling and yammering, pointing and blaming, complaining and bitching, about what everyone else's inadequacies are. The purpose of Melchizedek priesthood is to sound the signal: "Know ye the Lord." And eventually, that sermon will be heard by enough, that there will be none left who need to be told, "Know ye the Lord," for they shall all know Him. 15 Then everyone will take up with Him their concerns, and not with one another.] (Denver Snuffer, 40 Years in Mormonism, Lecture 8, A Broken Heart and Contrite Spirit)