Tag: The Father

The Church Mind

Monday, November 12, 2018. Most people seek to follow Christ and learn truths that will please God. Usually, they find a special interpretation, see patterns, or otherwise discover something others have missed. Sometimes this comes from a good deal of inspiration. After having obtained this truth, they form a church body with a set of doctrines and beliefs that all must subscribe to, to be considered members of their church in good standing. These members, having accepted what they believe to be God s whole truth, become ...


Thursday, June 21, 2018. MSB: I wasn t impressed with Max s ability to communicate, and the way he went about things kind of grated, but for me, Max helped me bring together the ideas of an Eastern type of enlightenment and a vision of Christ, whereas before, I wasn t able to reconcile the two, and what it meant. JK: Can you elaborate? I think that's where I am. MSB: Well, I think that Christ the personage reveals himself according to his pleasure, meaning he may or may not reveal himself to us, in any order that ...

Richard Bucke's Vision

Tuesday, January 30, 2018. I thought this was interesting. I wonder if this vision that so many people, in various walks of life have, is what Peter talked about when he said "give diligence to make your calling and election sure". I have long been of the opinion that blessings we get from God are less of a bestowal, and more of a realization of what already is. I was in a state of quiet, almost passive enjoyment, not actually thinking, but letting ideas, images, and emotions flow of themselves, as it were, through m...

Sheddeth Itself Abroad

Tuesday, January 23, 2018. "O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee, in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this wine to the souls of all those who drink of it, that they may do it in remembrance of the blood of thy Son, which was *shed* [or, perhaps, shed forth] for them; that they may witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may have his Spirit to be with them. Amen." (Moroni 6) "And the angel said unto me: Behold the Lamb of God, yea, even the Son ...

The Order of the Father

Friday, April 21, 2017. In my understanding of the Godhead, the Order of the Father is what we re striving to attain to. This is different from the Order of the Son, in that the Son assists us with the necessary experiences to help us become independent under heaven, with the spirit the Father gave to each of us. This is all through the Holy Ghost with the Son acting as the teacher. ...

The Order of the Father

Thursday, January 12, 2017. As it was once, it will be again. Adam was born again and received the Record of Heaven, or in other words the Holy Ghost. (Moses 6: 66.) Adam was born of the Spirit and quickened in the inner man. (Moses 6: 65.) Through this he was after the Order of the Father. (Moses 6: 67.) This same Order will return again at the end of the world. (Moses 6: 7.) The end of the world is the destruction of the wicked (JS-M 1: 4) to happen at the Lord s return. (Matt. 13: 38-40.) http://denversnuffer.b...

Christ Honors the Father

Sunday, July 3, 2016. The phrase you need need not respect the messenger but you must respect the message seems scripturally to apply to Christ as well because it says those who speak a word of blasphemy against the Son should be forgiven but not those who speak blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. Also when Christ was in the earth, he said he was not that prophet, yet later an Moroni declared Christ was. Christ isn t honoring himself, he s honoring what is in him, And what is in you also. He doesn t want your prais...

The Name of Christ

Friday, April 1, 2016. Think for a moment of the Name of Christ. His name was Joshua , or more correctly Yehoshua . His title was Messiah , or the Greek Christós . Yehoshua means to deliver/rescue/save . Messiah comes from a root meaning to smear or to paint . The shepherd in Israel carried olive oil for its antiseptic properties and salved the wounds of their sheep or themselves with this oil. It also means annointed , as in the revelation given to Moses to annoint the head of Aaron with oil. ...

The Creation Story in Us

Monday, February 1, 2016. What if the creation story is primarily meant to be an allegory of the drama that happens within each one of us in microcosm, with us at the center? We eat the fruit, we fall, being buffeted by Satan. We die spiritually, being separated from the Father. Joseph said Satan was the next heir, and he fell seeking to excel. Well, when a child is born, they could also be considered the next heir. We are authentic, pure, holy, free, full of love. Little children are godly and divine, and if they ...

A Host

Tuesday, January 19, 2016. From article: Concourses of Angles The object of this mortal existence is to develop faith. We need adversity and a sense of isolation from God in order to develop the character necessary to be like God. There is a test underway. But it is conducted by a benign and friendly heavenly host, whose primary purpose is to develop in us a godly character and charity toward one another. Men and women may see Christ in vision or in an appearance as a solitary personage. But no person has ever...

Denying the Holy Ghost

Monday, January 11, 2016. Previous articles in this set: The Plainness of God, Language of Condemnation, Hacking at Branches. Some instances of Eternal, Endless, Everlasting, Punishment, Torment and Damnation in the scriptures: For behold, there is a wo pronounced upon him who listeth to obey that spirit; for if he listeth to obey him, and remaineth and dieth in his sins, the same drinketh damnation to his own soul; for he receiveth for his wages an everlasting punishment, having transgressed the law of God co...

Little Children and The Fall

Saturday, January 2, 2016. I believe it is important to understand the fall better than we do, so that we can know how to rise. In temple ceremonies of ancient times, was the Garden of Eden depicting a historical man named Adam? Is it depicting everyman? Or is depicting you? As little children, we are born into heaven. Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 19:14) ...teach parents that they must repent and be baptized, and humble th...

Language of Condemnation

Thursday, December 31, 2015. "Nevertheless, it is not written that there shall be no end to this torment, but it is written endless torment. Again, it is written eternal damnation; wherefore it is more express than other scriptures, that it might work upon the hearts of the children of men, altogether for my name’s glory." (D&C 19:6-7) I wonder if there is another key to be had here. Essentially God said "I let mankind believe this untruth, and there was a good reason for it." In another...

Cherubim and a Flaming Sword

Friday, December 25, 2015. And I, the Lord God, said unto mine Only Begotten: Behold, the man is become as one of us to know good and evil; and now lest he put forth his hand and partake also of the tree of life, and eat and live forever, Therefore I, the Lord God, will send him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken; For as I, the Lord God, liveth, even so my words cannot return void, for as they go forth out of my mouth they must be fulfilled. So I drove out the man, and I placed ...

Denver's Buddhist Friends

Friday, December 25, 2015. I would encourage anyone to look carefully at this statement. You can see Denver's original blog post here: Friends and Spokesmen I have friends who are Buddhist/Mormon or Mormon-Buddhists. They think their study of eastern mysticism gives them an advantage in enlightenment. I have had several conversations that illustrate the difficulties of a mere transcendent enlightenment experience. In visionary encounters, friends have seen themselves as an enlightened beings, and in that role ...

The Accuser is Cast Down

Thursday, December 24, 2015. "Humans claim to have free will, but is that really true? To have free will means that we have the power to make a choice. If we have the power to make a choice, are we really choosing to fight with our parents? Are we choosing to live a life of drama with our beloved or our children? Is that really our choice? Is it our choice to be angry or jealous? Is it our choice to say things that we dont want to say, and later feel guilty because we said this? Is it our choice to do things that we do...

Spiritual Crippling

Friday, November 27, 2015. The Gods, male and female, come together to create an intelligence, a spirit. Two coming together for the purpose of creating individual entities with freedom to choose; freedom to choose its own path, freedom to explore and blossom into what the unique Spirit of God is in them. This is the spirit of God in all, given to them either with or without their awareness. When we come here, we are little children. We are bold and fearless and wild. As we grow, we become convinced that we are frail. ...

In My Father’s House Are Many Mansions

Thursday, October 22, 2015. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. (John 14:2) The word mansion means a staying, abiding, dwelling, abode. Perhaps more meaningfully a tabernacle . What does a tabernacle hold? Of what substance are we made and from where do we originate? Who s house is it? In my Father's house are many tabernacles: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. Or what if we change...

See that you are naked. Quick! Hide!

Thursday, October 22, 2015. "See that you are naked. Quick! Hide!" This was a message of fear. At its core is the message "You're not good enough." It is this message that enables all the engines of Babylon. If we consider ourselves respectively Adam and Eve and the Tree of Knowledge as lies, then we as curious children can come to the tree, view it, even touch the fruit and observe its operations on others. A serpent, full of poison, or the father of lies lives in the tree, owns the tree, and...