Number of witnesses of the coming financial collapse.

1. Rabbi Cahn and the Shemitah.1 We are in a Shemitah year which by itself is foreboding, and if his analysis is correct, the end of September begins the year of Jubilee (every 49 years or 7 x 7), a great or terrible time for a nation that rejects God as their ruler. In addition, the ending of this Shemitah year coincides with the ending of the blood moons, which I believe is a judgement upon false religion and our nation.

2. Mena Grebin and the ministry in NC. She was told "Death to the finances" and Mena is told how to specifically prepare for her situation and that the preperations need to be completed before this summer was over.2

3. Blog of a lady I know called Zion Soon Awaits. She dreamt that an economic collapse was coming on September 13 and September 28, 2015.3

4. Denver's talk on Faith4 in his 40 Years in Mormonism lecture:

"I was going through my head trying to remember the members in the Portsmouth, New Hampshire ward at the time. I remembered this couple who had a house they were building. It was constantly under construction, getting adjustments made here and there. A bank had closed and was being torn down, and the bank had sold all of the doors. They were salvaging whatever could be saved before the building went down, and so these ward members went in and bought these enormous solid hardwood doors to install in their own home."

The house was getting constant adjustments: The Lord works on us bit by bit to help was cast away unbelief. Enormous doors represents closing/opening and a transference of the blessings that were once upon the financial system to the people who will it will be left to. Bank collapsed, it was intentionally torn down. The Lord tears it down. Doors also represent the Lord first inviting the rich and the wise the noble and then afterwords it's given to the outcasts. This talk was given on September 28, 2014.

5. Last lunar eclipse in tetrad is September 28, 2015. Final judgement of gentile nation. Mother of 7 interpretation5 of Babylon post.



1. Rabbi Cahn discusses Shemitah: YouTube

2. Article: Mena Grebin

3. Zion Soon Awaits: March 23 Blog Post

4. Faith Talk

5. Article: Thoughts on Denver's Babylon Post