Last night I had a dream about weeping angels. If you’re familiar with the villain on Doctor Who, this will make a little more sense.

I didn’t realize it at the time of the dream, but it was like I was watching TV. I was watching the events of other people transpire. On the TV there was a man and a woman together and they were walking through his dream, and living out his dream. In this dream, they were outside on a huge property like a Victorian English estate. It was a bright sunny day and they were walking. The were walking towards the beautiful estate building which was a ways off in the distance. The bricks were a cream color, but a brighter yellow. It was his dream, and he should have been leading the way, but she got ahead and was walking in front of him and when she did, a weeping angel stood in front of her completely blocking her path. The angel had the demonic face with fangs. She became controlled by fear and the scenery became ugly. The estate became a terrifying looking building, it became gray and dreary. When the angel stood in front of her, she became invisible and the man she was with couldn’t see her. She was invisible to him, even though she was really there. The man was aware she was missing but he didn’t see the angel. I think he did know that everything became dreary and that’s why he started looking. I could see everything. Somehow, he found out what was happening, that she was missing and so in the process of looking for her, he stepped between the angel and the girl and the angel lost its power and left them and the girl re-appeared. The property went back to looking beautiful and bright.

So they started to walk back to the estate again, and this time the man was leading the way. The weeping angel appeared again and stood in front of the girl again and blocked her path. This time everything stayed beautiful, and the man didn’t know she was missing and didn’t look for her and he kept walking on his way. So she was completely trapped. I the viewer took compassion on her and was worried and concerned about her. So I reached forward and touched the angel where it was with my finger. This was when I realized it was happening through a television screen. And I communicated in my thoughts, “You have no power here. You’re not wanted here, you’re not welcome here and I tell you to go. I send you on your way.” So when I did that, the angel disappeared again, but it was like it slid off of the screen and appeared to stand in front of me and became real. It was a little frightening to have it come and pursue after me, and I knew it was up to me alone to get rid of the weeping angel. I didn’t have help from anyone else. I gathered together what courage I had and repeated the same words I told it before and told it to go, to leave me alone, that it wasn’t wanted and that it had no power or control over me and it left.


The interpretation isn't known, but this is what it seems. The weeping angel is a distraction, a confusion, something that prevents progress.

The man may be a guide that initially shows the way, but we must ultimately be responsible for ourselves and assist others in our progress.


See Also

Dream: Mermaid Fish-Face