When we first started our journey, I was terrified and would pray. At the time, when I prayed and asked questions the visual I would often get was my feet with several different paths going in every direction. I was confused. There was no path. I didn't know. I could take any path.

This time, I got a visual without asking any questions, it just came to me. What I saw was that I was standing and watched in horror as my entire foundation washed away. Waves came and crashed where I was standing. I was standing on sand and it washed out as the tide went back out into the ocean, not just some of the sand, as typically occurs, but all of the sand. I was losing my balance and the sensation was terrifying. I realized that it meant that you lose everything, you entire life, you beliefs, you support, your family and friends, the way people view you. Then I looked down again, and I saw that we were all standing on a rock, and that I noticed I was holding something in my hand, and I understood that I was holding MSB's hand in mine. I saw that MSB had some of the kids on his back, and another on his arm. I understood that he had basically carried us all onto this new foundation. We were all just happy to be there. I felt like I walked, but needed to be helped along some as well. The kids were just happy to be there. They weren't totally interested and finding things on their own, but they happy and content to be there.

We read from Moses 5 today. Adam and Eve, after redemption, knew enough to begin teaching generations of wayward children. For generations they were at some loss as to how to help their children, and by the time they did know something they were no longer little ones who believed their parents every word.

We don't lack in fearing for our children. The structure that keeps people in place is no longer there. I thought of Joseph and Lucy and it comforts us to know that they were just doing what we are doing. They didn't have an organized religion to attend, but they believed deeply in spiritual things. Their family produced fruit Alvin, Hyrum, Joseph, Samuel, and I'm sure others.

Speaking of structure, I was reading from Denver and he pointed out how there really is no kingdom of the Devil, because fear hatred and anger is disintegrating and not organized. I thought how everything we build on the earth is an organization, we are afraid to walk on our own. Our nations kingdoms and governments will implode, they always have. They are destroyed from within, without, from each other and this is the kingdom of the devil. It reminded me of Jeff Benner regarding the Sukkot and how in the ancient Hebrew language "city" was derived from roots that meant chaos, enemy. You had to go out into nature or the "wilderness" to find order, peace and God—the natural order God established.

As a side note in Moses 5, TRB brought up a good point. He said that it sounded like Satan didn't know what he was doing, that he was new at this, and that he wanted Cain back with him and even said he would submit to him.