The dream starts with me living normal life. And then somehow normal life turned into a roller coaster. I could feel it pick up speed and do the dips. Somehow I knew that my youngest son was in his bed sleeping, but also in the roller coaster. I knew that he was in danger of flipping out of his crib. I went to the conductor and was angry. My next oldest son was on the roller coaster with me, and he was completely freaking out, twisting and thrashing his body. At the top of an upside down loop, my older son decided he couldn't take it anymore, and that he was just going to let go. I told him it would be OK, and to just to hold on a little longer. The roller coaster continued on its path down to the bottom of the loop and when we got to the bottom, we just walked off. Concern for my baby is what helped me "wake up" and realize that it was a deception, that I was dreaming, and that I could get off the roller coaster. I knew at that time, I had dreamt this before, having walked off roller coaster.

We were still at an amusement park and there was confusion, and we saw a man I know doing some kind of a squatting/jumping exercise. As he continued to do the exercise it became obvious that his instructor was deceiving, because the instructor couldn't perform the exercise, but the man that I know could perform the exercise, and he was really good at it.

At this point, the awareness of deception was pretty heavy on me, when a little girl appeared by my side, and the gym turned into a classroom. The girl was sad, and needed help, because she didn't have any uniforms. I walked with her until we got to her closet, and when we got there I found that all she had to wear was uniforms. It was an enormous closet with rows and rows of uniforms. The uniforms were familiar, like you see on tv shows with rich kids. They were detailed and I could even tell the color of them, they were khaki with white monogramming and blue ribbons. When the girl realized I knew that she only had uniforms, she somehow communicated to my mind that she didn't have a white blouse to go underneath her uniform. I turned my head to the left and saw a plain white blouse. As I continued looking, they were more and more white blouses and they became more and more elaborate with pleats and ruffles. I knew that I was being deceived, and I stopped the dream.

Because my baby was on the roller coaster and my older son needed to get away, I knew that I could walk off. Because I walked off the roller coaster, I knew that I could walk off the dream, and that I didn't have to be deceived anymore.

I woke up with a feeling of being in a "vanilla creamy sauce" with a wonderful, elated feeling of peace knowing that I didn't have to be deceived. The reason I knew it was vanilla, was because I could smell the vanilla in my dream.

I think it's very interesting that everything was very vivid and detailed. The colors were very bright on the roller coaster and when I asked myself myself "Where am I?" I turned my head and saw a sign that said "Busch Gardens."

Busch Gardens was a place of loudness, confusion of people and voices, and rides, that once you got on, you couldn't get off. But in my dream I was like the girl in the movie Divergent who could change the dream upon realizing the deception, and I wasn't controlled by my fears. I could walk off.

I'm realizing it was like three stage progression of temptation, and a progression of understanding. First the roller coaster and Busch Gardens. That was the world. Then it was the man I knew, who was good at the exercise. And then it was a child, to whom my heart is the softest, because you don't mess with kids!