I think this (Link) explains why people do the majority of the things they do.

I can buy that this covenant is from the Lord, but I have a different frame of reference and perspective about it. Most of it I won't bother to elaborate on, but I will point out that the Law of Moses was from God too, But was only offered to the people when they rejected a higher law(they didn't realize that was what they were doing, they just wanted religion and they wanted it now, so they built a golden calf) and fell into idolatry. Old habits die hard.

If those involved with the covenant want success, I would suggest they change their approach. I would love to fellowship with those who take the covenant, but based on the approach most of them take that I have been a witness to, the rhetoric make it unbearable. They sound just like mormons. Take for instance the post of Adrian Larsen titled "SHOW OF FORCE". He makes several assertions that cannot be backed up.  Such as, "The Lord has established His covenant". Really? Did the Lord show himself and say so using his own words? Or did he use a mediator, like he did with the Law of Moses?  

How about this? "This covenant begins the final labor in the Lord’s vineyard, and the final offer of repentance to the gentiles who now possess this land but hold no right to it. Those who will not receive the Lord’s final offer will experience the full demonstration of his wrath". What if you all fail and are rejected? Will that be it? The earth will be wasted? 

He is also using fear to influence people to take the covenant that are resistant to taking it. Where is the kindness, meekness and love unfeigned? 

I don't mean to pick on Adrian. I have seen many use the same tactics and passive aggressive behavior. If that don't change then fail it will. Although I have hope that a few will succeed. 

I don't expect anyone to answer my questions. I only rely on God for that. That is why I didn't take the covenant. And that is why I can't fellowship with many covenant takers. I cannot share the things I have learned with them for they are not open to it. Their focus has come off of Christ and onto "we are his covenant people, and everyone must take this covenant if they want lands and not be burned", sort of thing. They "know" what has to happen and they are going to do it. Many of the conversations have become devoid of light. I can have the same conversations at church. I have truly learned that you can only come to the Lord alone. There is no way to overstate that last sentence.


My response: 

I've found this to be true of Adrian's posts. Instead of making an inquiry, he starts with the presupposition that whatever he's about to post is right-on and then uses scripture to back up his right-knowing. It winds up, to me, coming off as very twisted use of scripture, an abusive use, and very LDS like. He takes an idea of Denver's and basically runs wild with it. I wouldn't say this about anyone, except that Adrian has become the self-appointed spokesman, logo bearer, organizer of approved conferences of the movement, and Denver has encouraged it. Adrian apparently doesn't realize he's a Gentile, and his manner, his writings suggests that he's a Gentile at heart. Since he has not likely met the conditions to receive the blessings of the covenant he and others like him stand in jeopardy of being cast off because they say, but do not do. If so, as God states, he will find another people.

My heart does not wish to speak ill of Adrian, as a brother, we are both striving for the goal. I hope he and others get what they hope for. But like the LDS in Joseph's day, I believe he is way overstating the blessings of the Lord to himself and the movement.

This covenant has caused me a lot of consternation, sleepless nights and sickness, and the rhetorical reply is "Why? It's wonderful, it's great, you're making a big deal out of nothing." Or the more common, "You're fighting against God." But they haven't stopped to meaningfully examine why it would cause us pain, only to defend their rightness.

Because I have suffered, and been abused and waited on the Lord, I have more confidence in his approval of me, than I ever have, and it is all because of what has been "underway" in the mainstream of the movement.

Romans 2

"But if you call yourself a [Remnant] and rely upon the law and boast of your relation to God and know his will and approve what is excellent, because you are instructed in the law, and if you are sure that you are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, a corrector of the foolish, a teacher of children, having in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth—you then who teach others, will you not teach yourself?...You who boast in the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law?"