I believe most of what I feel has been a natural sense in me, for as long as I can remember, that seems to not be so natural in most other people. Most of what I feel is the motivations of people or institutions. Perhaps this is what is meant by "differences of administration" or "diversities of operation". The things I feel are not something that I think will happen, but rather are motivations and desires of people at the time.

Last night as we fellowshipped, we had a prayer, and LHB felt like she knew I had a gift.


The List

Sometime around 11/2012, after an attempted discussion about Islam and the Koran, I believed issues with LHB's family would escalate, and result in BH attempting to use force. I felt this a month or two before moving from FL. This was validated in a visit with the P family. I believed later that BH would instigate some phsical altercation or kidnapping and LHB's Dad might also be involved. I don't think I believe this now, but do believe CHL will also be an instigator.

Sometime around 8/2014 I believed that the LDS Church, which, in the past, has been cautious not to ascribe outright revelations to themselves, would, as the work of God begins, and they feel threatened, would begin to claim that more and more of their decisions were revelations. This has begun, and was validated in P. Nelson's remarks on 1/10/16. I believe it will continue to escalate.

Two days before 1/12/16. MSBJ had been very unkind in general. Somehow the subject of someone killing themselves came up and MSBJ said "That's because they're stupid about it. They should use a big knife or a shotgun." At that point, I felt like MSBJ had been contemplating such a thing for himself. I told him it isn't as easy to kill as you think. You could still live but be paralyzed. Lots of people have. I said this in an effort to dissuade him. I had been giving him extended hugs and telling him I loved him, especially when he seemed to be very aggravated. That night I prayed for him, and asked the Lord to give him comfort. The next day he was happy. I asked him what changed and he said he didn't know. The next day he was even nicer and that night we took him to his climb meet. LHB and I were having a religious conversation in the truck and MSBJ listened and participated. He told us at some point that he had suicidal thoughts. I told him I was pretty sure I knew he had, and related some experiences to him.

That JMB would improve with my attention.

Obama, meeting with leaders of the church. Pact. Subsequent positive coverage by major outlets including by Obama himself, mentioning the mormons as the most persecurted church.